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Leci lite

Leci lite


LECI LOTION is an Ayurvedic Lotion that provides relief from the problems related to   dry skin (XERODERA) associated with   DEHYDRATION, USE OF HARSH SOAP, VERY HOT WATER BATH, VITAMIN DEFICIENCY, SUN BURNS, MEDICATIONS etc. and keeps skin moist, soft, smooth and healthy

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LECI LOTION is a  Super skin restorative & Moisturiser  as LECITHIN in LECI LOTION pulls  water molecule  from air and bind them to natural skin oil and forms Protective barrier around skin Cells to ensure their Health. LECITHIN in LECI LOTION can  repair damaged-cells that help to heal Dry and Damaged Skin. LECITHIN has ability to transport healthy & healing ingredients to body cells that may give LECI LOTION an anti-aging and anti-inflammatory property. LECITHIN in LECI LOTION is GRAS (Generally Recognised As Safe)


200 ml bottles

LECI LOTION can be used in conditions associated with Xeroderma  (Dry Skin), Cracked Skin, Scaly disorders, Pruritis

How to Apply

Wash face/body parts with water and dry with the help of soft cloth or napkin. Apply LECI LOTION two to three times a day or as advised by your doctor.


100ml, 200ml