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Leci Cream

Leci Cream


DRY SKIN : Dryness causes the skin to crack. Skin on the feet tends to become drier as there are no oil glands present there.  Lack of moisturization, overexposure to pollution, and some medical conditions such as eczema, diabetes, thyroid, and psoriasis lead to dry skin.  Dry layers of skin when harden and build up into thick  dry callous can eventually crack due to  intense pressure or friction on it.

Soaking, Exfoliating, Moisturizing and putting a layer that can lock in moisture is the simplest way of dealing with the dry heels or cracked heels problem.


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Lecithin 5%

White petroleum gelly


25 gms.

LECI CREAM is a  Super skin restorative & Moisturiser  as LECITHIN in LECI CREAM pulls  water molecule  from air and bind them to natural skin and forms Protective barrier around skin Cells to ensure their Health. LECITHIN in LECI CREAM can  repair damaged-cells that help to heal Dry and Damaged Skin. LECITHIN in LECI LECI CREAM anti-inflammatory property also. White Petroleum gelly in LECI CREAM further helps to lock in moisture of the skin and act as a thick moisturizer and healer to the affected area.